How to create the perfect testimonial video
Can video testimonials create social proof?
Social proof is when customers adapt their behaviour in line with what other people are doing.
This is what makes testimonial videos so powerful. When your clients tell other people why you’re so great to work with, they’ll be more likely to work with you too.
According to Nielsen, seven out of ten people will trust reviews and recommendations from people, even if they have not met them before.
If you’re not using them already, testimonial videos are easy to make and can help generate up to 62% more revenue for your business.
Here’s how to create an awesome client testimonial video that will mean more eyes on your business.

How to film a great testimonial videoIn the past, you had to buy or hire expensive equipment to shoot your video. Now you can film your testimonials using your phone or laptop!
The video quality of the latest smartphones and computers has vastly increased over the past few years. This means you can easily create fantastic testimonial footage, all by tapping a button.Here are three ways you can film your videos:
1# Filming your client face-to-face
If you are face-to-face with your client, you can film them talking using your smartphone. We recommend buying a tripod. These are easy to use, affordable and will make your final footage look much more professional.
#2 Your client films a testimonial for you
If you can’t see your client, they can film a testimonial on their phone and send it to you.You can email across a list of questions you would like them to answer (more on that later). They can then record the footage at a time convenient to them.
#3 Filming your client on a video call
Why not get on a Zoom call with your client and record your meeting? This is great if your client is based far away from you or is working from home.Don’t forget to get permission before you hit the record button!

Editing your testimonial video
Don’t worry if there are gaps in your footage or your client pauses a lot. You can edit the footage afterwards to make it flow better and remove any dead air.
All smartphones come with their own video editing software that you can use to tweak your videos on the go. There is also Movie Maker 10 for Windows and iMovie for IOS; both are free and simple to use.
Keep your testimonial video short and sweet – if it’s too long your viewers will get bored! We recommend 60 seconds tops.

The best questions to ask
To make an impactful testimonial, you will have to guide your client through the video with some well-thought-out questions. We recommend sending your client the questions in advance before you film. That way, they will have time to prepare.
Here are some of our favourites.
What problems did you have before you worked with us?
Why did you choose to work with us?
How do you use the products or services we provide?
What benefits have you found by working with us?
What do you like most about working with us?
Why would you recommend us to other people?
Is there anything else you would like to say? (This is an important one as your client may say something you hadn’t thought of)
And there you have it… how to create the perfect testimonial video! We hope this guide has inspired you to dust off your camera and get filming.