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Sam Martin

Sam Martin

21 April 2021

21 April 2021

Use #hashtags in your social media posts! 

Did you know that tweets with hashtags get double the engagement of tweets that don’t?

Still not convinced? Here are some of the ways that hashtags can help supercharge your content.

Hashtags will help people find your posts.

Hashtags expand the reach of your message, meaning that people that don’t follow your account can easily find what you’re putting out there.

Hashtags are extremely powerful.

Hashtags amplify your content, showcase your brand and promote your product or service to brand new customers. Not bad for something entirely free of charge to use!

Hashtags put your posts in front of the right eyeballs.

Know who your target audience is? Using hashtags relevant to them will ensure that they see your content front and centre.

Hashtags place your posts in people’s feeds.

You can follow hashtags on social media which means posts using those tags appear in your feed. Use this to your advantage and appear in front of people who may not have heard of you before

Hashtags help you connect with communities.

Hashtags generate a sense of belonging and make it easier than ever to appear in front of groups and organisations

Hashtags make your posts searchable.

Click on a hashtag, and you can see a list of everyone else who has used that tag in their message. 

Hashtags mean you get featured on other people’s accounts.

Social media users love to share people who use the same hashtags as them. This increases the chances of getting that all-important retweet!

Whether you’re on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn… don’t underestimate the power of the hashtag!

Have any questions about how to use hashtags? Leave a message in the comments!

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Level up your video content

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Level up your video content

Share your project idea with us, and we'll get back to you swiftly to turn your vision into reality!

Level up your video content

Share your project idea with us, and we'll get back to you swiftly to turn your vision into reality!