

Best Christmas adverts of 2021

Sam Martin

Sam Martin

22 December 2021

22 December 2021

The festive season is upon us, with only a few days until Christmas. Let’s take a look at some of the best Christmas adverts this year!

Aldi returns with Kevin the Carrot!

This year Kevin teaches lessons of joy and goodwill to boring, rude Banana Scrooge. The animated advert features a cameo from a footballer, Marcus Rashford, or should I say Radishford! This year Marcus helped feed hungry children up and down the country, so it only seemed right to include him in the heartwarming ad. 

You can also notice the fun poke at rival M&S, after the caterpillar cake incident this year. You can see him being arrested by two police lemons! 

No Celebrations for the lonely Bounty…

A more comedic advert as opposed to the tearjerkers, but it can’t help make you feel sorry for the Bounty bar! It tells a story of no one liking the Bounty bar on a dating site or at a singles’ night. But in the end, he finds his perfect match with a not-so-favourite Christmas vegetable, a Brussel Sprout. We really like this comedic advert by Celebrations. 

John Lewis, the one everyone has been waiting for. 

A young boy teaches the joy of Christmas to a young alien called Skye after her ship crashed on Earth. He takes her through all the traditional festive period activities, including showing her how to eat a mince pie. Where she proceeds to eat the tinfoil, then is immediately told not to, which made viewers chuckle.

Whilst it is a lovely advert, many people were let down by it, multiple said it hasn’t met their expectations. What do you think of it?

Frozen in time 

This year Sainsbury’s advert shows everyone back together for Christmas, with a freeze-frame. In this freeze frame, they travel through Christmas in everybody’s eyes including; eating Christmas dinner, the tired family members and the children playing. It is a really cool and different way to capture every family members ways of spending Christmas Day. 

That concludes our list of favourite Christmas adverts from 2021, let us know your favourite ones below!

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