

6 ways email marketing can help to grow your business

Sam Martin

Sam Martin

17 November 2021

17 November 2021

If you’re looking for an easy and cost-effective way to grow your business, email marketing can be a great option.

A recent study shows that email marketing has the most significant return on investment (ROI) of all marketing channels, generating an incredible $38 for every $1 spent. 

Still not convinced that email marketing is right for your business? Here are some of the benefits a solid email marketing strategy can have.

1. Email marketing is low-cost

If you have a small marketing budget, you can use email marketing to entice potential customers into making a purchase.

Most of the email marketing platforms available are either free to use or low-cost. All you need to do is think of some creative content to include in your next email newsletter!

2. You’re engaging people who are already interested in your brand

As people have to opt-in to receive your emails, you’re reaching out to people who have already bought from you or may consider purchasing in the future.

Email can be a great way to keep prospective customers warm and nurture them until they are ready to buy.

3. Emails are easy to target

Let’s say you run a clothing store. Rather than sending one generic email communication to all your subscribers, you can narrow it down to their specific needs. For example, you can have one mailing list for shoes, one for dresses and one for hats. If emails are focused on your customer’s requirements, they are more likely to engage.

Want to reach out to your least-engaged email followers? Send them a discount code to entice them back to your website!

4. Statistics are readily available

With email marketing, you can access open rates and click-through rates, making it easy to see if your email campaign has been a success.

Some platforms even let you see which contacts have opened your message, giving you valuable information to pass on to your sales team.

5. You can automate your marketing

One of the things we love about email marketing is that you can automate the emails you send out.

For example, let’s say someone has visited your eCommerce site, put something in their shopping cart and not made a purchase. You can send an automated email encouraging them to come back and finish the transaction. 

According to Experian, customers are 2.4 times more likely to make a purchase when they receive multiple automated reminders.

6. Emails are easy to share

Everyone nowadays has a work and personal email address. This means it’s easy for your customers to forward offers and promotions to friends and family. 

Not only could this lead to additional sales for your business, but new subscribers for your mailing list too!

Need a little extra support with your Email Marketing? The Sequence can help, creating unique content, that will help boost your brand and bring you business.

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